
Web development and programming genuinely excite me. Learning about fresh tech inspires me! I've managed and built several web applications and crave new challenges.My traits include being highly driven and a swift learner. I am also keen to bring value to a skilled engineering team. My goal is to Learning advancements of AI and entry-level roles in web development or software engineering.


Hello! I passion for technology and innovation. I have a keen interest in learning about new technologies and advancements in the field. Here is a glimpse into some of the projects I have worked on:

Full stack E-commerce Website I have developed a comprehensive e-commerce website that provides a seamless shopping experience for users. This project involved: Designing an intuitive user interface Implementing a secure payment gateway Developing a robust backend to manage inventory and orders Integrating advanced search and filtering options .....

Love Calculator Webpage💌 This fun and interactive website allows users to calculate the compatibility between two people based on their names. The project highlights include: Creating an engaging and user-friendly interface Developing an algorithm to generate compatibility scores Ensuring a smooth user experience with quick and accurate results...

College Cyber Security Club Website As part of my contribution to my college's Cyber Security Club, I designed and developed a dedicated website for the club. Key features of this project include: Providing information about the club's activities and events Offering resources and tutorials on cybersecurity Creating a platform for members to share knowledge and collaborate


I am always excited to connect with like-minded individuals and explore new opportunities. Feel free to reach out to me through the following channels:

Email: bk.jha.3297@gmail.com
LinkedIn: My LinkedIn Page
GitHub: My Github Page